Hey y'all,
So I wanted to share with you my fave natural hair You Tubers . These women have helped me immensely in my journey and continue to inspire and to know more about myself as this hair journey has taught me so much about myself..
So they are in different categories
- Tips and Techniques
- Styling
- Kid's hair care
Naptural85 http://www.youtube.com/naptural85- Whitney is the bomb y'all her channel is so informative she has clear and concise tutorials that get to the point..She is also the DIY queen..
African Export- http://www.youtube.com/user/AFRICANEXPORT-this girl is real and her protective style tutorials are great check out her Crochet braid tutorials and her blog too.
MahoganyCurls http://www.youtube.com/mahoganycurls- This girl has some hair and the simplest regimen I have ever come across..she is especially a great resource for anyone wanting to try the Curly Girl method. She has a great blog too.
LONG HAIR DON'T CARE LLC-http://www.youtube.com/user/LongHairDontCareLLC- Nik Scott has great hair and her channel is a great resource..
Kim. Loves, Beauty: http://www.youtube.com/user/backsyncfan- From a TWA to longer hair her styles her creative and easy to replicate..she also has grreat OOTD and makeup tutorials
MyNaturalSistas http://www.youtube.com/mynaturalsistas- These sisters got it going on y'all..tips and styles from TWA hair and Long bra strap length hair..they also talk about weight loss and healthy living.
Whoissugar- http://www.youtube.com/whoissugar- "But Sug??!!" this girl is so funny, dramatic and has beautiful hair..her channel is great and has little bit of everything including OOTD and makeup as well..She is so real!
GirlsLoveYourCurls-http://www.youtube.com/user/GirlsLoveYourCurls- When I came across this channel I was so happy to see how I can manage my daughters hair without using heat and at home. since then I no longer use heat on her hair and her hair is starting to thrive and the ouchies are no more :) We watch the videos together which is great cause then she has an idea of what I want to do with her hair

So there you go ..who are your fav natural hair You Tubers? Please share with me would love to discover new channels
Be blessed y'all
This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own, based on my personal experiences with my hair and beauty products; others may have different opinions.
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